Friday, March 15, 2013

Breaking up with my favorite vintage reproduction line.

I don't usually verbalize things like this or make them public but I feel like everyday through either twitter or facebook I am made aware of how someone is being a bitch or even worse a c-word to either person A or person B of a rather large vintage reproduction line here in the United States. Granted I don't have to follow them on twitter or face book. And as of recently I have stopped following them on social media sites that I use frequently. They do however employ some of my favorite models whom I adore and also follow on numerous social media sites. Half the time this complaining of so and so anonymous person being scandalous is through posts or comments on posts of one of the models or employees facebook page or twitter. I will not name names but if you follow any of the people in this company you are probably well aware of the non stop drama and finger pointing that they like to refer to as calling people out on bad behavior. Ok, that's great, bad behavior should be called out. I completely agree with that but it's happening on a very public platform and the thousands and that is literaly thousands of fans of these so called role models are then ganging up on people that they do not even know in the defense of people that they do not know.

 Liking someones fan page on facebook or following them on any other social media site does not mean they are your friends or that you know the first thing about them. You know what they want you to know. I find it unattractive that the owner and production manager/model (I think that is their title) of this company deem it necessary to constantly publicly vent about her negative interactions with business partners, models, customers and employees. It is just so incredibly unprofessional. It makes me cringe every time I see a new thread or comment. This has been my favorite reproduction line for the last six years. My closet is full of this line. It seems that this public very outspoken-es regarding the owner's personal opinions is steadily increasing. I have seen posts and responses to fans of the line that are incredibly insensitive weather it be intentional or not. For instance, they receive many requests regarding modeling. Of course only a handful get that opportunity but to publicly post how annoying it can be to receive those requests is insensitive. It's the equivalent of a fan gushing over a celebrity they praised online via twitter or facebook to be met by the celebrity telling them that they are ridiculous and telling them to back off. I believe that with wide spread recognition a good deal of responsibility comes as well. Your image is EVERYTHING. I do not shop businesses that perpetuate drama or bad behavior. On the surface this company has a great image, just don't scratch the surface unless you also thrive on drama and desire to live through all of their drama vicariously. All that being said, I am breaking up with this company. I have never had any personal interaction with the owner weather that be positive or negative. I do still follow some of their models. I would rather support other like companies that exhibit a professional image and don't make me cringe every time they show up in my facebook feed. I much prefer to feeds that pertain to new lines of clothing or photos of fans enjoying their purchases.  I get mad at people too. Not every business interaction I have is a good one. But I do everything in my power to work it out and don't talk about it on my public social media profiles. That is precisely why a private profile is a thing of necessity. Sometimes dealing with customers and business partners can be really trying but I would never publicly vent about those things. That is what my husband and friends are for. I know this is quite the rant and quite off the trail of things I typically post about, I promise to return to pretty fun things now. <3

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